Ugly fonts in Java apps under Linux

What strikes me from time to time is that under Linux all works well… after you spend some time searching for ways to fix things, and make them work exactly the way you want them too.

I am really picky when it comes to the UI. I love command line and console, but as I do work a lot with written words… quality of fonts rendering is extremely important for myself.

I am learning RoR at the moment. I’ve been doing quite some coding recenlty using pure VIM, but decided to give RubyMine a try. RubyMine is very powerful IDE, but under the default JDK/JRE (no difference if this is OpenJDK or Oracle’s JDK/JRE) the way it renders fonts is just pain to the eyes. Eclipse renders fonts much better (by default) than RubyMine, and NetBeans is as bad as RubyMine is.

I’ve spent a bit of a time trying to configure RubyMine so that it renders fonts as nicely as VIM :) but with no success. I was so desperate on this, that I was planning to either switch to another IDE (but Aptana is no go for me) or to go back to pure VIM again.
Fortunately I have found a solution for Debian/Ubuntu:

1) Do not use Oracle’s Java
2) Do not use the OpenJDK default repository
3) Add the as a ppa

Install OpenJDK 7/8 from the repo mentioned in point 3.

If you have other flavors of Java installed, use sudo update-alternative --config java to pick the OpenJDK installed from no1wantdthisname ppa.

That’s it.

And the results? Huge, huge differnce:

