Get Noticed 2017 - start!

Some as last year - this year another edition of “Get Noticed” initive is being started. The whole idea is quite simple - to blog about a project - software that will be developed during the next couple of months (all starts beginning of March 2017, ends in May).

Last year I tried to take part in it, but due to some unpredicted things happening - I was not able to devote enough time for it, and didn’t manage to finish the application. I hope this year is going to be different and that I will be able to share quite a lot of thoughts & decisions related to application development.

My idea for the application is still the same - I want to create a simple web application that will allow people to share links to interesting resources. That’s it. Simple stuff. I hope that as time goes by I will implement more and more features for that.

So… as the idea for the application itself stays the same as last year - you may want to read a post about it from last year: Let them know you

One thing is changing this year though - I have picked different language (or should I actually say - technology stack?). Last year my choice was to use Ruby+Rails. I was a total newbie with Rails&Ruby at that time, and apart from going through some tutorials I haven’t created any application on my own using RoR.

So what’s my techonlogy of choice this year? Wel… this year it is going to be Elixir+Phoenix. I haven’t made any other decisions yet. I am not sure what storage I am going to use. I am not sure if I am going to use ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS or any other fancy technology for the frontend itself, or if I leave it as a pure Phoenix frontend. I hope to make all that decisions while developing the application, and will try to document my choices here - on my blog.